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Masters EM: Hold øje med EM hjemmesiden den 16. februar


Følgende kan læses på hjemmesiden for EM i London

Af: Pia Holmen






LEN and the LOC have been absolutely overwhelmed by the simply unprecedented interest shown in swimming entries for the Arena European Masters Championships in London in May.


Both LEN and the LOC appreciate the great appeal of the Championships with the London Aquatics Centre acting as the venue less than four years after its use during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Three years have also nearly passed since the last European Masters Championships in Eindhoven and, while LEN and the LOC were aware demand for swimming entries would be extremely high, never before have so many entries been filled in such a short space of time.


LEN and the LOC appreciate the lengths to which the masters community have gone to in order to be prepared for the Championships – booking flights and accommodation – and we please ask for your patience as we review the situation.


Both LEN and the LOC are working hard to find a solution but want to take time to understand how it might be possible to make additional entries available in order to satisfy the overwhelming and simply unprecedented demand.


LEN and the LOC are committed to delivering the best experience possible for athletes at the Championships and a solution to fulfill the extremely large demand will be communicated on Tuesday February 16.

